
Useful Info

shipping termsShipping terms
The international maritime industry has its own language of abbreviations, shorthand, slang and technical terminology. These terms are collected in alphabetical and searchable form.
foreign-currenciesForeign currencies
Global shipping relies on transactions in multiple currencies in exchange rates that fluctuate constantly. Here are recorded daily exchange rates of common shipping-related currencies, useful for both daily and historical reference.
World Wide HolidaysHolidays
Knowledge of public and religious holidays is important for global commerce. Here are listed holidays in all shipping-related countries.
Event CalendarEvent calendar
Maritime conferences, trade fairs and forums happen all year round in the fields of shipping, commodities, logistics, finance and trade.
World Time Zone MapWorld time zone map
The world has 24 longitudinal time zones. Here is a cartographic display of current times around the world, including their individual GMT offset.